Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Too Cool About Falls?

Since day one that my daughter could sit, crawl, stand, climb and walk, I've let her fall on her face, let her cry, get up and move on again. Was told that I don't comfort her enough. Children need to feel loved and secure. Picking them up after a fall tells them that mum and dad are still around.

I have an issue with this kind of parenting.

1. Children can be loved in different ways. Picking them up after a fall does not necessarily mean loving them.
2. Children need to learn to pick themselves up and not depend on adults all the time.
3. Children need to learn to be independent within their means.
4. Parents cannot be with them 24/7/365.
5. Self-confidence takes time to be instilled.

I like to know that my children are able to stand up and try again after falling down. This can be in any time of their life. Starting from pushing themselves up after tripping or falling gives them the confidence that they can keep trying. I give them the encouragement and praise needed to help them along, but they gain the confidence and problem solving skills for life later on.

However, to be honest, everytime she falls, I had to refrain from rushing to her rescue. It hurts me as much to see her walk into a cupboard or fall over a ball. But now, if it isn't bleeding or bruised, she'd whinge a little, get up and continue on her way.

You and I may have different parenting styles. How do you respond when your little one falls while trying?

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