Thursday, April 1, 2010

Parenting the parent?

We've heard a lot of children disgracing their parents in all sorts of ways - swearing, abuse, not being responsible, etc..

What about turning it around with those actions and say that there are parents who disgrace children too? I know it can be a rare situation where you have bad parents but well-behaved children.

It is hard to imagine parents not being responsible for their lives, parents who waste away their time, life, money for unreasonable purposes. Or, parents who are always out to hurt others to gain satisfaction or benefit.

I have met people like that and the unfortunate thing is, they are people whom I have to be in contact with. There are people whom I'd rather not be acquainted with in my life, but God does seem to want to put difficult people on this earth and we learn to live with them.

Children who live with parents who do not know how to take care of their own lives are very brave. Well, at least the ones that turned out better than their parents. These children would be shouldering responsibilities much earlier in life and be able to stand up to their parents for whatever wrong things that their parents do.

I know of children like that. They still love their parents but not what they do. They refuse to be part of their smoking or gambling routine, but would be there to comfort them when their parents failed to quit or have lost money.

These children have become the parents of their parents. When these children become parents, I think they would make great parents.

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