Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Teaching Faith to Children

Had MOPS today. We had a panel discussion on "Teaching Faith to Children". It was a great encouragement to know that good modeling with Biblical teaching guided most mums to Christ.

We all agreed that no matter how much we teach in theory, if we do not do what we teach, or as the saying goes, "Walk the Talk", then chances of children coming to receive Jesus Christ as their personal saviour is slim.

At our discussion tables, we talked about how our parents influenced our faiths and how they did not. Some of us came from Christian families and we had our parents to thank for bringing us up in the Word of God, giving us solid foundation to deal with life's challenges and coming to the realisation that God is so big and great, that He is aware and able of everything and anything.

I remember that when I was in school, there was this popular slogan that says, "Christian - Without CHRIST, I Am Nothing".

It was, to me, a hip thing to say in those days. But, as I grew to know Christ deeper personally, I have also come to appreciate and understand that statement a lot more. And truly, without Christ, I am truly nothing. My life would be absolutely meaningless if not for the hope of eternal life with the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is probably the greatest gift for any Christian parent to see their children grow in the knowledge and grace of God. And I pray too that all my children and yours will also become children of the kingdom of God.

How do you teach faith to your children?

2 comments: said...

Realy, you are great. thank you for your valuable article.

Yining said...

All by the grace of God, greatchandeliers! Blessings to you!